Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wellington, The Penguin

Wellington is not the only Wellington in the world. There's a much older Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand has been in the news a lot lately because this chubby emperor penguin recently turned up on the beach there. No on is sure how he got so off course, but they've decided to leave him alone and hope he finds his way home. Biologists are afraid if they scoop him up and bring him back to Antarctica he might introduce diseases to his friends and family. Besides, he's been busily munching on sand which doesn't agree with his delicate digestive system. Poor little guy.

This is a cool old picture of Cuba Street in Wellington in 1883. Mary Taylor, a friend of Charlotte Bronte owned a general store on Cuba Street in the 1800s.

Below is a pic of Cuba Street today. It's a pedestrian area. I kind of like it better in the 1800s, except for the mud.Alas, my quest for Wellington-type architecture (bungalows) in New Zealand proved fruitless. But I did run across this evocative pic of three modern apartments on top of a 1908 warehouse in Wellington. Courtesy of Dwell. Couldn't be less like Wellington, but we don't mind. We like it anyway.


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