Sunday, March 20, 2011

Arbor Walk Update

It has been positively STORMY for absolutely DAYS. See? But here at Chez Wellington we love, love, love stormy days. That's because we can always think of lots of things to do. Some of us snooze by the fire. Some of us bake banana bread. And some of us wait for a spot of sun to zip around the house taking pictures with our new phone to make sure he works good.
Okay, photo number 1, above, is an update of the Arbor Walk. So far we have most of the flagstones in. (By "we" I mean, the husband put them in while I stood there watching and keeping him entertained.) We have the bases for two of the mini-decks built, and one of them embedded, awaiting its decking. You can see one of the little weeping Japanese Maples on the other side of this deck foundation. After this mini-deck is built, the bench will go on top of it.
Oh! Guess what! I found this little baby Gingko Biloba tree! Is it so cute? I think he needs to go into the Arbor Walk even though he gets (don't tell) 100 feet tall! But not for a very long time. And meanwhile he will be absolutely gorgeous.
Here are a few of my plants waiting very patiently for springtime. I think the bigger ones are ganging up on that little one. Here's what they are, left to right: glechoma, sedum blue spruce, glechoma, glechoma and blue fescue. In the back is a piece of ivy I pulled up last year and am hoping to train around this wire shelf. The sedum is brand new from Morningsun Herb Farm. He's just busting to get out of his pot. I was thinking of putting him in a big pot with this new huge aloe I bought. But now that I see him next to these other plants, I'm thinking there might be a place for him in the Arbor Walk, because we have the blue fescue going in there. I bought six blue fescues in a little six-pack then repotted them - some in one gallons - so they will be bigger when we're ready to put them in the ground. That way I got six for $2.50 which is something like 41 cents each! It's probably not really 41 cents each but I don't feel like taxing my brain and I'm too lazy to open up my calculator, so we'll just have to be satisfied with 41 cents.
Here's another shot of the Arbor Walk. You can see the other frame for the other mini-deck. And there's my little mini-nursery of plants awaiting their permanent homes. They were all either six-packs repotted or my own propagated plants.

The following two pictures are similar to ones I have taken before, but I took these with my new phone, Herbert. Herbert has a lot of work to do starting next week, so I thought I'd try him out on something fun.
The little shed across the alley. And my new flower box out front, which seems to be surviving the storm just fine.
All of these pictures were taken with my new phone. Good job, Herbert!


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