Saturday, May 28, 2011

Book Swap Update

Some of my loyal readers may remember that I recently joined a book swapping "club" online. Here's a quick recap: list the books you don't mind trading; find books other people want to trade that you want; TRADE. It didn't start out so well. I posted and mailed like a good girl, but the other peeps weren't reciprocating and I ended up with nuthin. If you're confused, here's my original post.

But . . .

I used up all of my "credits" from all of the books I mailed and went on an ordering spree. I have since received five books that I really want. But the best part is the book I received yesterday. Keep in mind, the books I'm sending out are paperbacks I've decided I'll never read. I would have donated them to the library up the street (sorry Benicia Library). It costs me $2.41 in postage to mail each one.

Yesterday a little manila envelope showed up in my mailbox with my name on it. Inside was this:

a first edition Edith Wharton Twilight Sleep. Shhhh. I have a feeling the swapper didn't know what she was giving up and I'm halfway afraid that if I put the name of the swapping site on here someone will find out and come take this book away from me. Or maybe she just hates Edith Wharton.

I'm so excited about this book, which I'm sure you all realize is not a paperback, that I'm giving it to The Dot for her birthday which is Tuesday! Here's hoping she doesn't read The Blog before then.

By the way, my copy of Twilight Sleep is in even BETTER condition than this one that I stole from this site (because I'm too lazy to photograph my own copy plus it's already wrapped): First Editions and Antiquarian Books which sells it for $47. I'm not entirely sure my (Dot's) copy is a "fourth printing" so it might even be worth more!

So it's all good. I'm going back on and finding me some more first editions. Don't tell!

PS The Dot is taking four days off for her BIRTHDAY and the weather at Wellington is positively GORGEOUS. It's supposed to be nasty but it isn't. And there are nasturtiums absolutely everywhere. I'll count them and get back to you.

UPDATE The weather is intermittently non-gorgeous, but that's okay. It's still intermittently gorgeous and that's my second favorite.


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