Saturday, September 27, 2014

Wedding Crashing and Kitty Scratching. Plus a Frog

Today's walk brought us to the Jefferson Street Mansion.  Our first choice was the Benicia Memorial Cemetery, but they closed at 4, so we kept right on walking.  I could have titled this post "One Wedding and a Funeral" except we missed the funeral.  Technically we missed the wedding too.  They were just starting to take pictures of the wedding party and we decided not to stick around.  But I did snap a couple of pics.  It really looks like a great place for a wedding.  The weather was beautiful.
 This is the mansion above.  To the right is a door leading out to the reception tent.
 Here is a view of the front of the mansion.
 To the left is where they were going to hold the ceremony.
 The chairs were set up.  I think the wedding was probably going to be at 5.
On our way back I took a picture of this hideous frog that has appeared near the parking lot of Robert's Chinese Restaurant.  I don't like the way he's staring at me.  He seems upset about something.  Again, we kept right on walking.
At this corner, we hung a right and walked up the alley towards Wellington.  A delightful kitty cat came to greet us.  We think he belongs to the ambulance station along the alley.  He was very friendly and even posed for this picture.
He had a very loud kitty voice.

Homemade chicken pizza for dinner tonight!


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